Bharat Express

From Gujarat to the Nation: How PM Modi’s Space Vision Revolutionized Governance

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s space vision has transformed governance in India. Under his leadership, Gujarat pioneered the use of space technology, setting an example for the entire nation.

PM Modi's Space Vision

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s space vision has transformed governance in India. Under his leadership, Gujarat pioneered the use of space technology, setting an example for the entire nation. Now, India plans to have its own space station by 2035.

In Gujarat, Modi’s approach integrated space technology into various sectors like education, agriculture, and water management. The state used satellite data not just for major projects but also for everyday applications that directly benefited its people. This innovative use of technology showcased how local needs can be met with advanced solutions.

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A social media post from Modi Archive highlighted Modi’s early vision: “A young @narendramodi once scribbled in his diary – ‘Science must be universal, but technology must be local’.” This vision was realized by 2009. At that time, Gujarat was leading the way in using space technology for practical purposes.

The Modi Archive also shared a 2009 newspaper clipping where G. Madhavan Nair, then ISRO chairman, praised Gujarat’s pioneering role. Gujarat applied satellite data in groundbreaking ways, including tele-education, crop forecasting, mineral mapping, groundwater exploration, and fisheries zone identification. Notably, Gujarat was the first state to use satellite data and 3D imaging for pipeline and check dam planning.

On the first National Space Day, Prime Minister Modi addressed the nation, celebrating India’s achievements in space. He praised the efforts of space scientists and emphasized the government’s commitment to advancing the space sector.

With Chandrayaan-3’s success, India became the fourth nation to achieve a soft landing on the moon and the first to land in the moon’s south polar region. The theme for the inaugural National Space Day is: “Touching Lives while Touching the Moon: India’s Space Saga.”