Bharat Express

Falling Yamuna River Water Levels Cripple Prayagraj’s Water Supply

The continuous decline in the Yamuna River’s water level has severely disrupted Prayagraj’s water treatment and distribution system.

Prayagraj's Supply

The continuous decline in the Yamuna River’s water level has critically affected Prayagraj’s water supply, leading to severe disruptions in the city’s water treatment and distribution system.

The Khusro Bagh Water Treatment Plant, which heavily depends on the Yamuna for its water intake, is currently struggling to maintain its regular output due to the river’s insufficient water levels.

The plant’s water supply has plummeted from its usual 80 to 85 million liters per day (MLD) to a mere 60 to 65 MLD.

This drastic reduction has started to strain the city’s water supply system, particularly affecting 20 to 25 wards.

The Khusro Bagh plant typically draws 110 to 120 MLD from the Yamuna daily through an intake well located at Karela Bagh.

After purification, it supplies between 65 to 80 MLD of water to more than 25 wards, serving approximately 35,000 to 40,000 households.

However, the intake wells are now receiving insufficient water, leading to cuts in water supply for one to one and a half hours both in the morning and evening.

Officials Urgently Appeal For Increased Water Release Amid Prayagraj’s Crisis

In response to this crisis, Mayor Ganesh Kesarwani and Municipal Commissioner Chandramohan Garg have urgently appealed to senior officials of the Irrigation Department, requesting the release of additional water into the Yamuna.

They emphasized that without timely intervention, the city’s drinking water problem could worsen in the coming days.

Jalkal’s General Manager, Kumar Gaurav, confirmed that a letter has been sent to the Chief Engineer and Head of the Irrigation Department, stressing the urgent need to release water into the Yamuna.

He warned that the drinking water shortage could become more severe if they do not release the water soon.

Currently, Prayagraj’s water supply infrastructure draws 120 to 135 MLD from the Yamuna using four intake wells, then treats and distributes it.

The current shortage is disrupting this system, highlighting the city’s vulnerability to fluctuations in river water levels and the urgent need for a sustainable water management solution.

As Prayagraj faces this water crisis, authorities remain hopeful for a swift response from the Irrigation Department to alleviate the situation and restore normal water supply to the affected areas.

Also Read: Government Increases MSP For Kharif Crops To Boost Agricultural Income In Prayagraj