On Friday, a team from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) visited the residence of Ramkrishna Das, father-in-law of Sandip Ghosh, the former principal of R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital, as part of their investigation into financial irregularities at the institution. The ED team arrived at Das’s home in Chandannagar, Hooghly district, around noon but found the residence locked. Local residents informed the officials that the house is rarely occupied and is primarily used during festivals.
Following this, the ED officials proceeded to Baidyabati, a nearby area in the same district, where they conducted raid and search operations at the residence of Kunal Roy. At the time of reporting, the specific connection of Roy to the financial irregularities case remained unclear.
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In addition to the Baidyabati raid, three other ED teams were simultaneously conducting search operations at four locations, including Ghosh’s residence in Beliaghata, central Kolkata. Ghosh, along with three others, is currently in custody of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which is also examining the financial irregularities case at R.G. Kar.
The CBI is additionally investigating a separate case involving the rape and murder of a woman doctor at the same hospital. The ED raids coincided with the Supreme Court’s rejection of Ghosh’s plea challenging the Calcutta High Court’s order for a CBI investigation into the financial irregularities.
The ED initiated its investigation by filing an Enforcement Case Information Report (ECIR), while the CBI continues its court-directed and monitored probe. Last month, Justice Rajarshi Bhardwaj of the Calcutta High Court recommended that since the CBI was already investigating the rape and murder case, it should also handle the financial irregularities case to ensure a unified investigation.
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