In a stern directive, the Delhi High Court has instructed the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and Delhi Development Authority (DDA) to shut down coaching centers operating in violation of fire safety regulations without delay. Justices Yashwant Verma and Ravindra Dudeja admonished the MCD for disregarding previous orders to close such establishments, expressing frustration at their failure to comply.
Following a review of the inspection committee’s report on coaching centers, the bench criticized the MCD’s lack of action despite clear instructions. Justice Verma admonished, ‘Are you playing games? Do you seek to find fault?’ The court emphasized that the responsibilities MCD neglected are being carried out by the amicus curiae, Gautam Narayan. The bench further demanded closure of all identified centers and ordered immediate sealing of premises in accordance with their directives.
The court’s intervention stems from petitions, including a suo motu cognizance following a 2023 coaching center fire incident. Notably, the bench had earlier instructed authorities to relocate hazardous electrical equipment outside the centers’ premises.
Amicus curiae Gautam Narayan informed the court of multiple inspections revealing continued operation of coaching centers under different names, despite MCD’s claims of closure. Moreover, these centers were found non-compliant with essential fire safety standards, with one center even installing a barrier meter at its entrance, potentially exacerbating safety risks in case of fire.
The High Court’s stringent stance underscores the urgency of ensuring public safety and underscores the need for robust enforcement of fire safety measures across coaching centers in Delhi.
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