Bharat Express

Brother-Sister Bond Shines in Burhanpur as Sisters Share Home-Cooked Meal with CM Shivraj

Chief Minister Chouhan sat on the ground near the same stage, had food with the sisters, and also fed them with his own hands.

The sisters of Barela community had brought traditional food prepared with their own hands from their home for CM Shivraj

The sisters of Barela community had brought traditional food prepared with their own hands from their home for CM Shivraj

It is likely that you have heard the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh refer to himself as the actual brother of the state’s women. CM Shivraj is heard referring to the state’s daughters as his nieces. The Chief Minister occasionally provides evidence to support his statements. In Madhya Pradesh, the esteemed Chief Minister is overseeing numerous public welfare initiatives for his beloved nieces and sisters.

On Saturday, a more sensitive side of Shivraj Singh Chouhan was seen. CM Shivraj, who had come to hold an election rally in favour of the BJP in Burhanpur, suddenly sat on the ground, and the women who reached there started feeding food to their brother Shivraj with their hands.

One after the other, the sisters were seen feeding their brother Shivraj. Some woman fed her corn roti, and someone made her taste tomato chutney. The interesting thing is that the sisters had prepared this food with their own hands and brought it from their homes.

As soon as Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan moved towards the meeting venue, the sisters said, Brother, you work so hard; you must be tired. Eat some food; we have prepared it with our own hands. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan could not avoid this request of his sisters and sat down on the ground.

The scene that was seen after that became a new story of brother-sister love. Not only this, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan also fed his sisters with his own hands.

The sisters of the village had brought home cooked food for CM Shivraj

It is said that the sisters who cooked and brought the food belonged to the Barela community in Dhulkot, Burhanpur district. These sisters had cooked food from home and brought it for their brother. The sisters first gave the traditional welcome and then asked for food.

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CM had his meal sitting on the ground

Chief Minister Chouhan sat on the ground near the same stage, had food with the sisters, and also fed them with his own hands. The sisters had prepared corn bread, tomato chutney, bean chutney, and bhaji.