The Bharat Literature Festival (BLF) 2025, one of India’s most prestigious literary events, will return for its third season from February 1 to 9, 2025, at the Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. Renowned for celebrating the power of words and ideas, this year’s festival promises a diverse array of sessions, featuring distinguished speakers and thought leaders from various fields.
The festival will unfold over nine days, offering a rich tapestry of discussions, monologues, and panel sessions. Each day brings engaging conversations on themes such as cultural diplomacy, the justice system, wellness, and entrepreneurship.
Also Read: Maha Kumbh 2025: Governor Anandi Ben Patel Visits Parmarth Niketan Camp In Prayagraj
For instance, Shashi Tharoor and Priyanshi Sharma will weave a narrative on “A Thousand Threads: Weaving the Story of Bharat,” while Acharya Balkrishna will delve into “Yoga and Ayurveda: India’s Ancient Wellness Wisdom.” Similarly, R. Venkataramani and Prof. C. Raj Kumar will reflect on the Supreme Court’s journey in their session, “Supreme Court @75: Pillar of Justice, Mirror of Aspirations.”
BLF 2025 will host a stellar lineup of speakers, including:
The event will also feature leading voices like Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Acharya Prashant, and Pushpesh Pant, among others.
Apart from intellectually stimulating discussions, the festival will serve as a vibrant platform for networking among authors, entrepreneurs, journalists, and policymakers. The thematic pavilion at Bharat Mandapam will host interactive exhibits, cultural performances, and book launches.
The Bharat Literature Festival continues to embody its mission of bridging diverse perspectives and fostering collaboration across sectors. The festival’s sessions and cultural exchanges are expected to inspire meaningful dialogues and broaden intellectual horizons.
As the countdown begins, the literary world eagerly awaits this celebration of ideas and creativity. For more information, visit the festival’s website at Mark your calendars for February 1-9, 2025, and be part of this unparalleled literary journey!
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