In a tragic incident in Bengaluru, a software professional with his wife committed suicide after killing their two toddlers on Monday.
A 38-year-old Anoop, a software professional from Uttar Prades, and his 25-year-old wife Rakhi, first killed their two children, aged 5 and 2 before taking their own lives.
The incident took place at Sadashivanagar police station in Bengaluru.
Anoop worked as a software consultant in a private company. As per the details shared by house help to the police, the couple looked happy and everything appeared normal till Saturday.
The house help also told police that the couple’s eldest kid Anupriya was a child with special needs that kept young parents distraught.
The incident came to light when the house help came on Monday morning and did not get any response.
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Police anticipate the depression of the daughter’s condition, the main cause of killing and suicide. The couple killed children by poisoning their food and later hanged themselves at their home.
Further details from the police suggest that the incident was spontaneous as the couple had planned to visit Pondicherry and Anoop had asked all three maids to come early on Monday morning.
Notably, on August 3, 2023, a shocking incident of a 31-year-old software professional killing family and himself was reported. The incident had taken place in the limits of Kadugodi police station.
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