Bharat Express

Study Finds Higher Rates Of Anxiety & Depression In Women Post Cardiac Arrest

A study by Amsterdam University Medical Centre found that female survivors of cardiac arrest are more likely to experience anxiety & depression than males.

Anxiety Depression

A recent study conducted by researchers at Amsterdam University Medical Centre in the Netherlands reveals that women who survive cardiac arrest are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression compared to their male counterparts.

The study, which examined socioeconomic data over five years, sheds light on the long-term mental health challenges faced by female cardiac arrest survivors.

The research team analyzed data from 1,250 individuals, with an average age of 53, who had experienced an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

The study aimed to uncover the five-year consequences of cardiac arrest, considering various factors affecting the survivors’ lives.

According to the findings, published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality & Outcomes, there was a significant increase in antidepressant prescriptions among women in the first year following cardiac arrest, with a 50 percent rise not observed in men.

Over the subsequent years, this increase tapered off to around 20 percent.

Researcher Calls For Better Post-Cardiac Arrest Support For Women

Robin Smits, a researcher at Amsterdam Public Health, emphasized the need for better post-cardiac arrest support for women.

The study also explored employment trends, revealing difficulties in returning to the labor market for cardiac arrest survivors.

The primary earner status within households often changed, indicating economic instability following the cardiac event.

In addition to mental health challenges, the research noted that female survivors experienced significant changes in their employment status as they aged through their 50s.

These employment shifts highlight the broader socioeconomic impact of cardiac arrest on survivors.

Previous research has shown that women tend to live longer than men after a cardiac arrest.

However, combining this with the new findings, Smits pointed out the disparity in post-survival outcomes based on sex.

“While women may be more likely to survive and live longer, they are also more likely to be affected by mental health issues after a cardiac arrest,” he said.

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