Bharat Express

Avoiding Smoking Can Prevent Cognitive Ageing: Study Reveals

A study published in Nature Communication, revealed that cutting down on smoking can keep memory skill sharp for longer period and can help in avoiding cognitive ageing.

Cognitive ageing

A study published in Nature Communication, revealed that cutting down on smoking can keep memory skill sharp for longer period and can help in avoiding cognitive ageing. Study finds the lifestyle factor linked to cognitive ageing.

The team led by researchers from the University College London, UK found in their research that those who incorporated smoking in their lifestyle experience faster cognitive decline. People who smoked had cognitive scores that declined up to 85 per cent more over 10 years than those who did not.

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In the study, lead author Mikaela Bloomberg (UCL Behavioural Science & Health) said, “is observational; it cannot definitively establish cause and effect, but it suggests smoking might be a particularly important factor influencing the rate of cognitive ageing.”

According to study, done earlier, people who engage into healthy lifestyle, exercise daily, and stick to moderate consumption of alcohol experience slow decline in cognitive ageing. However, it did not specify whether all behaviours contributed equally to cognitive decline.

However, the new study showed that among the healthy behaviours, “not smoking may be the most important in terms of maintaining cognitive function”.

Among those unable to stop smoking, the study suggests engaging in other healthy behaviours such as regular exercise, moderate alcohol consumption, and remaining socially active “to offset adverse cognitive effects”, Mikaela said.