Actor Varun Dhawan celebrated his wife Natasha Dalal’s birthday in style, sharing a heartfelt post on Instagram to mark the occasion. The actor treated fans to a romantic reel from a vacation featuring himself and Natasha, expressing his love with the caption, “Happy birthday to my caretaker…Love you forever.”
The post garnered a flood of well wishes from fans and industry friends, including Tahira Kashyap Khurrana and Huma Qureshi, who extended their warm greetings to Natasha. Admirers also took to the comments section, praising Natasha’s beauty and sending blessings for her and the “junior Dhawan.”
Earlier this year, in February, Varun and Natasha delighted fans with the announcement of their pregnancy. Sharing a beautiful image of himself kissing Natasha’s baby bump, Varun wrote, “We are pregnant, Need all your blessings and love #myfamilymystrength.”
Varun and Natasha exchanged vows on January 24, 2021, in an intimate wedding ceremony attended by close friends and family, adhering to COVID-19 protocols.
On the professional front, Varun Dhawan has an exciting lineup of projects. He will star in the upcoming action thriller film ‘Baby John,’ directed by A Kaleeswaran and presented by Atlee in association with Jio Studios and Cine1 Studios.
Additionally, Varun will feature in the Indian adaptation of the Hollywood series ‘Citadel,’ alongside actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu. The Indian version, created by Raj and DK, is eagerly anticipated, following the success of the international version headlined by Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden. However, the release date for the Indian adaptation is yet to be announced.
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