On Monday Evening a brawl happened with Bollywood soloist Sonu Nigam during a concert in Mumbai’s Chembur area. Sonu Nigam has been admitted to a hospital after an alleged scuffle broke out between the singer’s bodyguards and Shiv Sena MLA Prakash Phaterpekar’s son and nephew who reportedly wanted to click a selfie with the singer. According to officials, the incident took place when Sonu Nigam was coming down from the stage. The incident happened around 11 pm, a police official said.
Both colleagues Nigam were manhandled by the fans, leading to one of them receiving minor injuries. Reports from ANI, a case has been registered under IPC sections 323 (Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 341 (wrongful restraint), and 337 (causing hurt by an act endangering the life or personal safety of others) based on Sonu Nigam’s complaint.
According to the police authorities, the politician’s son and nephew tried to “forcibly” take the selfie with Sonu, which led to the apparent brawl between them and the singer’s bodyguards. Phaterpekar was not present at the concert and was only the organiser of the Chembur festival to which Sonu was invited. If reports are believed then Sonu is safe, but his guru Ghulam Mustafa Khan’s son and his close subordinate Rabbani Khan and his bodyguard have sustained some injuries. They are currently being treated at the hospital.
The concert was a four-day-long festival and Sonu Nigam was performed at the finale. It is a famous cultural festival where some other popular singers have performed in the past. There are also reports that someone from the organiser’s team allegedly tried to misbehave with Sonu’s manager, Saira. Sonu Nigam hasn’t filed any police complaint so far.
“Sonu Nigam was getting down from the stage when some people rushed to take a selfie. During that time, bodyguards were trying to push those people away, but by mistake, one person from Sonu Nigam’s team was pushed by mistake. Nothing has happened to Sonu Nigam,” Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Prakash Phaterpekar said.
“When Sonu Nigam was coming down from the stage after performing, the MLA’s son first pushed Sonu Nigam’s bodyguard Hari and then pushed Sonu. Rabbani Khan, son of Sonu Nigam’s maestro, was also present at this event. He fell down from the stage in the scuffle. He suffered many injuries and was immediately taken to Zen Hospital in Chembur. This whole incident shakes Sonu Nigam. He has not suffered any injury. Rabbani’s treatment is going on,” they stated.
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