The Mumbai Police arrested Vijay Das, the main accused in the stabbing case involving actor Saif Ali Khan, in the early hours of Sunday. Officials confirmed that the arrest took place in the Thane West area, near the metro construction site, behind the TCS Call Center in Hiranandani Estate.
This arrest resulted from a joint operation conducted by DCP Zone-6 Navnath Dhavale’s team and the Kasarvadavali police at a nearby labour camp.
Saif Ali Khan Attack Case: Accused Identified and Arrested
The prime suspect, Vijay Das, was identified as a former employee at a Mumbai pub. He was arrested after the police traced him using CCTV footage.
Police have reported that the accused has also been known by multiple aliases, including Bijoy Das and Mohammad Iliyas. Authorities plan to present him before the court later on Sunday for remand.
Meanwhile, CCTV footage from the Satguru Sharan building, which houses Saif Ali Khan’s apartment, captured the attacker entering the building. DCP Zone-9 Dikshit Gedam revealed that the assailant used the staircase to access Saif’s 12th-floor residence.
At the time of the attack, Saif’s staff member, Eliyamma Philips (also known as Lima), was in the house. She was the first to spot the intruder and attempted to stop him. During the struggle, Lima sustained injuries to her hand. Saif, hearing Lima’s screams, stepped out of his room and confronted the attacker. In the ensuing struggle, the assailant stabbed Saif six times before fleeing.
Police Identify Suspect Through CCTV
Lima described the attacker to the police, identifying him as a slim, dark-complexioned man in his late thirties, approximately 5 feet 5 inches tall.
Police later identified the accused in more CCTV footage, showing him purchasing headphones in a store in Dadar, six hours after the incident. Earlier, the suspect was also spotted at Bandra railway station, where he is believed to have boarded a train.
Moreover, Saif Ali Khan’s wife, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, informed the police that the attacker became aggressive during the altercation with Saif, stabbing him repeatedly. However, she confirmed that he did not steal any jewellery left in the open.
Saif Ali Khan Stabbed During Robbery Attempt
On Thursday morning, Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his Bandra residence by an intruder attempting a robbery. The assailant stabbed the actor six times while they struggled.
The attacker then fled the scene, leaving Saif Ali Khan grievously injured. The actor’s son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, quickly rushed him to Lilavati Hospital, where Saif underwent multiple surgeries. Doctors confirmed that Saif’s condition was stable, and he is now recovering in the hospital.
However, Saif Ali Khan was admitted to Lilavati Hospital with serious injuries, including two deep wounds on his left hand and neck, and a knife lodged in his spine. Doctors reported that the actor’s spinal fluid had leaked, but he was soon out of danger following several surgeries. The medical team moved him to the intensive care unit for observation.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor And Sons Seek Shelter At Karisma Kapoor’s House After Saif Ali Khan’s Attack
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