After Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan’s Zara Hatke Zara Bachke delivered in performance centers on Friday, the actor’s better half Katrina Kaif gave a major whoop to the film. Katrina wrote, “Congratulations to the entire team,” as she posted a poster from the film on her Instagram story on Friday. a film with such a lot of heart.” Vicky Kaushal posted a super-cute response to Katrina’s Instagram story. “Tu hai toh mujhe phir aur kya chahiye (I don’t need anything else if you are there)” was a line from the song Phir Aur Kya Chahiye from his film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke. He also added a kissing face and an emoji of a red heart.
Vicky Kaushal posted a super-cute response to Katrina’s Instagram story. “Tu hai toh mujhe phir aur kya chahiye (I don’t need anything else if you are there)” was a line from the song Phir Aur Kya Chahiye from his film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke. He also added a kissing face and an emoji of a red heart.
After dating Vicky Kaushal for two years, Katrina Kaif tied the knot with him in December 2021. In Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan, they held extravagant wedding celebrations. They held a private wedding with only a few friends from the film industry and family present.
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During the film’s advancement last month the actor was inquired as to whether he could at any point separate from Katrina Kaif and wed another person. His answer was, “Shaam ko ghar bhi jaana hain. Aise, dog rahe ho, tedhe-medhe sawaal Abhi bada toh ho lene do, baccha hoon. Is it necessary to have a jawbone? It’s a Khatarnaak, after all! Sir, janmo-janmo tak [I must return home at night, and you are asking such twisted questions] I’m still a baby. Allow me to grow a bit. How do I respond to this? This is such a risky question. Sir, for a few lifetimes].
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