Priyanka Chopra, Indian actress and Global icon turned 41 on Tuesday. The talented actress have gained popularity in India as well as globe because of her skills in the field. Cherry on the cake is her beauty and confidence. Also, her witty and smart remarks have won the hearts of her fans. PC’s special day was definitely a big one as she received many wishes and heartfelt messages from her fans, friends and family. But one birthday post of all caught the public, from none other than the actress’ own partner – Nick Jonas.
The Sucker singer posted a sweet photo of himself and wife actress Priyanka Chopra on Instagram. As a birthday greeting for her, Nick also sent a lovely note. She turned 41. “I love celebrating you. Happy birthday my love,” Nick Jonas said in the caption of the photo.
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As soon as Nick Jonas posted the sweet photo to Instagram, admirers wished the actress a happy birthday and complimented the couple. The following message was sent by a fan: “Happy birthday PCJ…love you.” Another person said, “Such lovely words! I adore you both. Another admirer added, “Priyanka Nick ki Jodi ke liye Like Button.” Lots of blessings to you both, I’m glad you’re honouring our queen, she deserves all the love and happiness in the world, according to another comment.
The popular series’ upcoming second season will include PeeCee reprising her much-loved role as Nadia Sinh from the recent spy thriller Citadel. The next time we see her, she’ll be in Heads of State with John Cena and Idris Elba. The Indian actress is going well in the Hollywood industry and coming up well with more projects.
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