Director Anil Sharma has dispelled the controversy surrounding a viral video featuring Nana Patekar allegedly slapping a fan. Sharma clarified to media that the incident was, in fact, a scene from their ongoing film shoot in Banaras. Explaining the situation, he revealed they were filming a sequence where Nana’s character had to hit a boy on the head, and the footage was leaked by onlookers, leading to a misleading portrayal.
Despite being part of a scripted scene, the video sparked intense criticism on social media, prompting Sharma to request fans to understand the context. He expressed concern over Nana being unfairly labeled as a negative and rude actor due to the leaked video.
In the video, Nana is seen shooting in a crowded street, dressed in a suit, as a fan approaches for a selfie. The staged slap was part of the scene, but the leaked footage painted a different narrative.
Meanwhile, Nana Patekar made headlines for addressing his absence from Welcome 3 during the trailer launch of The Vaccine War, a film he headlines. He humorously suggested that perhaps they think he has become outdated.
Nana Patekar, a three-time National Film Awards recipient, is celebrated for his impactful roles in films such as Natsamrat, Wajood, Parinda, Ab Tak Chhappan, and Yeshwant.
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