Actor Akshay Kumar, who formerly held Canadian citizenship, has spoken candidly about his decision to choose it. Speaking to the news agency ANI, Akshay disclosed that he made the decision since 13 to 14 of his films “were flops at the time” and his films “were not doing well at one time.” The criticism of Akshay’s Canadian citizenship was frequent. This year’s Independence Day saw the actor make an announcement about his new citizenship in India.
According to Akshay, “I became a Canadian because my films were not doing well at one point, and I gave 13 to 14 flop films,” he said in a statement to ANI. My friend, who was living in Canada at the time, invited me to come work with him on something. My friend had offered to help me with my freight needs. I responded, “Okay, my films are also struggling, but a person must work wherever he is.” I obtained a Canadian passport when I moved to Toronto. Two movies were still scheduled for release in the interim. Following the release of the two films, it became a huge superhit. I informed him that I was returning.
Speaking about obtaining Indian citizenship, he remarked, “I didn’t go there for nine to ten years. One of my best friends resides there, and it’s a really wonderful place. I made the decision to become a citizen. The fact that I accidentally received a letter announcing my citizenship on August 15th is irrelevant. However, having an Indian passport is not enough; you also need an Indian mind, heart, and soul. What good is it if my soul, intellect, and heart are not Indian, even though I hold an Indian passport?
Akshay previously released a photo of his official government documents to demonstrate that he has now obtained Indian citizenship. Heart and citizenship are both Indian; “Dil aur citizenship, dono Hindustani.” Happy Fourth of July! Akshay had captioned the picture, “Jai Hind.
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