Bharat Express

Army Personal’s Life And Career Spoiled: Bareilly Railway Incident

According to authorities, a TTE is suspected of throwing an army soldier under a train on Thursday after a quarrel. The soldier had his leg amputated and is currently in serious condition.

They said that victim Sonu was forced from entering the Dibrugarh-New Delhi Rajdhani Express(20503) on Platform 2 at Bareilly Junction Railway Station in the morning almost around 0930 hrs.

Supan Bore, a Traveling Ticket Examiner (TTE), has been charged with murder attempt. He’s been hiding since the incident, they allege.

“We are looking at the CCTV video,” Sudhir Singh, senior financial manager for the Northern Railways’ Moradabad Division, said.

According to train officials, the altercation between Bore and Sonu started over a ticket.

Bore allegedly shoved the army soldier out of the way of the train in a fit of wrath. “He was whisked away to a military hospital. He has lost a limb and his condition is critical “, according to the officials.

Desh Raj, a station vendor who witnessed the entire incident told the media that while the train just started to depart he saw a guy running towards it trying to board the train.

It was not possible for him as the TTE stood firmly there and not only did he not allow him in but also gave him a push which got him to lose balance that got him trapped in the gap between train and the platform.

The moving train was quickly brought to a halt as a crowd gathered and everyone started shouting that got the driver to stop the train.

Ajit Pratap Singh, a Government Railway Police station house officer, stated: “TTE Bore has been charged for violating Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code (attempt to murder). He is evading capture, and efforts are being made to apprehend him.” Following the incident, some fellow passengers allegedly assaulted the TTE.