Bharat Express

‘Act of terror’: Blast enters into peace of Mangaluru

Terror struct in the major port city of the Indian state of Karnataka. An explosion was reported yesterday in an autorickshaw leaving two people injured.

The investigation found the CCTV footage of the incident which was captured on two cameras from the side of the street. As per the footage  smoke is seen coming out of a moving auto-rickshaw. The police still is preoccupied with the further investigation.

Not accidental but certainly an act of terror, is what the police is considering about the incident. The blast in Karnataka’s Mangaluru is being investigated now by the state’s top cop. The Director General of Police (DGP) writes in a tweet, “It is now confirmed. The blast is an act of terror, not accidental and is carried out with the intention to cause serious damage.”

Along with central agencies, the Karnataka Police is busy probing deep into it, he further adds.

As per the reports pertaining to the incident of yesterday, when an autorickshaw was seen caught fire; people rush to it to save the passengers and the driver.  They found the driver and a passenger with  sustained burn injuries, as told by the police.

The captured explosion as showed by the CCTV footage, has plumes of smoke being spread around the autorickshaw. Police commissioner, N Shashi Kumar told the media about the incident. “It was around 5.15 pm, when the passerby spotted fire in the autorickshaw. As per the driver, the smoke was coming out of a bag carried by the passenger inside the autorickshaw. Bothe the passenger and the driver suffered burn injuries. They have been shifted to a hospital.”

Media reports say, the driver was learnt to have told police that he found a sudden fire inside his vehicle. Forensic teams had also rushed the spot to collect samples, following the news of the incident.