Bharat Express

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk Unveils Vision Of Space Travel To Moon & Mars For All

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has claimed that space travel will become accessible to everyone, allowing exploration of destinations like the Moon and Mars.


In a bold proclamation, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has claimed that space travel will become accessible to everyone, allowing exploration of destinations like the Moon and Mars.

Musk took to social media to express his vision, stating, “Over time, SpaceX will enable anyone to go to space and travel to the moon and Mars.”

Musk highlighted SpaceX’s progress, stating that the company is on track to surpass a major milestone by sending over 90% of all Earth’s payload to low-Earth orbit by the end of this year.

A cornerstone of SpaceX’s achievements lies in the development of reusable rocket technology.

Currently, the Falcon rocket boasts an impressive 80 percent reusability rate.

However, with the advent of the mega rocket, Starship, Musk anticipates pushing reusability to near perfection, aiming for approximately 100 percent.

The ambitious Starship project will be instrumental in NASA’s Artemis program, aiming to land astronauts on the Moon during the crewed Artemis 3 mission in 2026.

Despite being in the early stages, Starship has already undergone three test flights, with a fourth imminent pending regulatory approval, potentially as soon as 5 June.

Key objectives include executing a landing burn and soft splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico with the Super Heavy booster, along with achieving a controlled entry of Starship.

Commenting on the significance of the fourth flight test, SpaceX emphasized its role in advancing the development of rapidly reliable reusable rockets, marking a significant step forward in space exploration technology.

Meanwhile, Musk’s satellite-based internet service, Starlink, has been making waves, surpassing 3 million customers across 99 countries.

With recent launches in Indonesia and Fiji, Starlink continues to expand its reach, offering affordable internet connectivity to underserved regions globally.

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