Bharat Express


SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has claimed that space travel will become accessible to everyone, allowing exploration of destinations like the Moon and Mars.

Elon Musk's Mars Strategy: "We're Developing a Plan to Send One Million People to Mars," Says Musk

The study, led by teams from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Oslo, was published in the journal Science Advances

Cremation is undesirable since it consumes too much energy that the crew members who survive would rather use for other things.

The loss of communications was foreseen because a hill was between Ingenuity and Perseverance, which operate as a relay between the drone and Earth

NASA's MAVEN, which was launched in November 2013 and entered orbit around Mars in September 2014, is on a mission to learn more about the planet's atmospheric conditions.

MAVEN was launched in November 2013 and entered Mars orbit in September 2014

She will be one of four volunteers who will enter a Martian habitat in Houston, Texas, at the end of June

Planets and Relationships: Keeping the influence of planets, if we take some astrological precautions, then not only our relationships can become stronger, but also the adverse effect of the planets on our relationship will not be harming or will be less-harming..

The lander touched down on the Red Planet four years ago and has been sending several images from there to help scientists uncover the planet's secret.