Bharat Express

India’s Next vision: 6G rollout in India soon

PM Narendra Modi is ready to launch 6G in India and unveiled the Bharat 6G Vision Document and launched the 6G R&D Test Bed. This will be the biggest next step for India after the 5G rollout and will also create opportunities for telecom, IT and other startups.

It will be launched in 2 phases: The government has set up a high-level committee to explore the potential for 6G technology and to identify the key areas that need to be addressed in order to make it a reality. The committee is expected to work closely with the telecom industry, academic institutions, and other stakeholders to develop a roadmap for the deployment of 6G technology in India.

These technologies will also provide immense opportunities for India’s entrepreneurs to innovate and develop new products based on their Intellectual Property (IP) not just for the Indian market but also for the entire world, transforming India into a global leader providing life and livelihood-transforming solutions, Indian Startups, companies, universities are ready to finance development and design of 6G technology in India.

Despite these challenges, there is a growing consensus among industry experts that 6G technologies has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate and interact with the world around us. With India’s strong tradition of innovation and technology, it is likely that the country will play a leading role in the development and deployment of 6G technology in the years to come.

The six major pillars of 6G visions are:

-Ultra high Bandwidth

-Ultra low energy & cost

-Ultra massive connectivity

-Ultra high precision

-Ultra high performance

-Ultra high intelligence


Now you will be excited to know after the 6G rollout what will be new for you according to vision document:

-Remote control factories

-Self-driven cars

-Automated Public Transport

-Digital Post Office

-Digital Schools


-Robotic Healthcare center