Spriha Rai
Bharat Express News Network
As Mount Mayon Spews Ash, Philippines Issues A Warning
The Taal volcano, which is about 50 kilometres (31 miles) south of Manila, has been spewing sulphur dioxide
Volodymyr Zelensky Shocked By United Nations Inaction On Dam Collapse
Russian soldiers were shooting from a distance as rescue efforts were underway
Ukraine: Flooding Caused By Dam Breach Covers 600 Square Kilometres
Ukraine's state emergency service reported that 1,995 individuals, including 103 children had been evacuated from flooded areas
Taiwan’s Defence Zone Breaches By Chinese Warplanes
Taipei's diplomatic ties with other nations typically coincide with a rise in Chinese military air and naval exercises near Taiwan
Congressman Thanedar: India, United States Need To Strengthen Their Relationships
It’s time that the two parties put their heads together and make a meaningful immigration reform including legal immigration
Ukraine Rejects Calls To Freeze Russia Conflict
A delegation of African heads of state is planning to visit Ukraine and Russia in the next few days hope to persuade them to end hostilities
Medical Entrance Test NEET Aspirant Found Dead In Room In Rajasthan’s Kota
Five such suicides were reported in May, bringing the total to ten since the beginning of the year
Park Chan-wook Sets Up Historical Thriller ‘War and Revolt’, His First Project At Netflix
The Sympathizer, starring Robert Downey Jr is Park Chan-wook's next project as a filmmaker