Bharat Express

Vastu Tips : Which Direction Should Your kitchen Face According To Vastu?

Agni element becomes strong immediately if this direction is used in the kitchen. The burning area stands for financial stability, family health, and vigour. Females in the house are shown to be in good physical and mental condition.vastu

A person can draw good energy to grow and prosper with the aid of Vastu Shastra. If Vastu principles are followed when building a structure, whether it be a house, office, store, or hotel, it will undoubtedly have an impact on the income stream, health, wealth, prosperity, confidence, and happiness. We will learn vital Vastu advice for kitchen construction today. The Southeast, or Agni Kon, is the ideal location for the kitchen.  Agni element becomes strong immediately if this direction is used in the kitchen. The burning area stands for financial stability, family health, and vigour. Females in the house are shown to be in good physical and mental condition.

If building a kitchen in the southeast is not feasible, Vayuvay kon (the northwest) should be taken into consideration. The predilection for South is next since it also contains a fire element. However, never build your kitchen in the Northeast as it can result in significant losses or family discord. Even North, which is a water direction, is not a good zone for the kitchen because there would be a conflict between water and fire there.

1. Fire and water are the two most essential ingredients in the kitchen. You should turn to the east or southeast when cooking. This boosts everyone’s vigour and energy, but especially that of the housewife. It also alters how you digest.

2. To increase the flow of money in the house, the washbasin should face northeast or north.

3. The colour palette ought to be neutral white, ivory white, or cream. You might also choose a pale yellow, orange, or peach colour. According to Vastu, the wooden finish is the greatest. Avoid using the colour black.

4. The trash can ought to be put to the west or northwest of your kitchen. The mental clutter is removed, which boosts positivity.

5. Don’t let your kitchen remain unkempt at night. Before going to bed, thoroughly clean it since using dirty utensils can bring bad luck into your life.

6. If your gas burners are obstructed, it will impede the flow of money.

7. The kitchen taps shouldn’t leak because doing so causes us to incur expenses. If possible, electric equipment should be placed in the southeast corner of your kitchen. This saves you money on maintenance.

8. Keep the grocery supplies in the southwest or south corner.

9. The area to the north and east of the kitchen should be light and devoid of clutter. If you can’t find the gas cooker in the southeast or east, light a Diya in the kitchen so that the fire element is present there.

10. If a washbasin cannot be moved, fill a Kalash with water and set it in the north or northeast. This will symbolically remove the Vastu dosh associated with the washbasin.

11. Avoid putting fire and water on the same platform. Huge Vastu dosh exists.

12. Avoid placing the kitchen over or below the bathroom.