Bharat Express

Astro Says: Six Types of Toes And What They Reveal About You

The lines of our palms and forehead and even the types of toes also hint at something about our past, present, and future. Ever wondered why people have different patterns of toes?

Astrology as per feet pattern

Astrology as per feet pattern

Astrology is not limited to birth details, our body parts say a lot about us as per this branch of study. The lines of our palms and forehead and even the types of toes also hint at something about our past, present, and future. Ever wondered why people have different patterns of toes? Well, they certainly have secrets about your personality.

Greek toe

Greek toe

This is the most common toe pattern. In the Greek toe, the finger next to the thumb is the biggest of all the fingers. This type of foot is also known as Flame foot or Fire foot. People with this pattern of toes are very active, energetic, and sporty in nature. They’re more into outdoor games and are always ready to take up new tasks or challenges in life. They’ve got a romantic nerve and are quite emotional too but they don’t want people to know about their sensitive part.

Peasant toe

Peasant toe

People with this toe pattern have somewhat squared feet since all of their fingers are more or less the same in length. They usually have short feet and enormous patience which helps them accomplish their goals without hampering their mental health. This helps them be very thoughtful, they come up with exceptional thoughts and are very loyal in love.

Egyptian toe

Egyptian toe

This toe pattern is also quite common. The thumb is the biggest toe in this type followed by other toes in decreasing size. People with this toe pattern usually have long feet and personality-wise they love pampering more than anyone and are dreamy about love and romance. They have an eye for natural aesthetics like mountains, fountains, beaches, forests, and anything that involves nature. Also, they’re sweet and friendly and make friends easily.

Roman toe

Roman Toe

In this toe pattern, the first three fingers are almost the same in size and the remaining two are in decreasing order. People who possess this type of toes are balanced in personality and outgoing in nature. They love adventure and like exploring new places and cultures. They’re better at workplaces and even better as employers.

Wide-set toe

Wide-set Toes

There are gaps between the fingers in this toe pattern and the same is in the personality of the people possessing them. They are outgoing and love wandering around the world. This pattern of toes is also known as traveler’s toes. They have a knack for romance and dreams; streaming into dreamy plans and their execution is their interest. The owner of these feet are usually party animals and may gel easily with people. However, they think twice before making any decision and keep examining them.

Stretched toe

Stretched toes

The owners of this toe pattern have their thumb (biggest finger) straying away from the rest of the toes. The same reflects in their personality as they’re independent and don’t like being tamed or confined by boundaries. They are also good listeners but hard to convince so make sure that you talk sense when having a discourse with them. They are analytical and interested in debates but might score less in romance.