Bharat Express

Learn How To Write Ram Naam: It’s More Fruitful Than Its Chanting

Do meditate on Lord Shriram while writing His name. During these 90 days, your mental consciousness will also start increasing and you will experience spiritual happiness..

Ram Naam writing is more precious than speaking it

Ram Naam writing is more precious than speaking it

They say, in Kaliyuga, the name of Ram helps cross the ocean of this world of illusion. According to the scriptures, if you speak the name of Shriram then it is better, but if you write the name of Shri Ram then it is even better.

Many types of methods have been described in our religious texts, and if we include them in our daily life, we can easily overcome all the obstacles that come our way in life. In all these methods, there is also a method related to the glory of the name ‘Ram’. It is believed that in Kaliyuga, the name of Ram helps the devotees cross the ocean of this world of illusion.

The glory of the name Ram is such that once when Parvati ji asked Shankar ji about whom do you keep thinking about all day, Shankar ji said, ”O Goddess, I only keep chanting the name of Shri Ram, He is the source of all power in the whole world.”

Only this story is enough to tell the glory of the name of Ram. According to the scriptures, if you keep speaking the name of Shriram then it is better, but if you write the name of Shriram then that is even better. Writing the name of Ram has been compared to such a yagya, which fulfills all the wishes of the person. In such a situation, it is necessary to know the correct method of writing the name of Ram.

Ram can be achieved this way

For this, you have to take such a white paper, which does not have a single line on it. After this, use a red pen to write on it. It is believed that this color is very dear to Lord Shriram. In the beginning, you must write at least one page daily. Although this is not necessary.

It must also be kept in mind that the name of Ram is written rightly and clearly. It is believed that by doing this continuously for 90 days, you get the blessings of Lord Shriram and whatever your wish for that will start to coming to you in a tangible form. But this sequence should not be broken half way.

During this, take special care of cleanliness towards divine purity. Start writing the name of Ram only after taking bath and wearing clean clothes. Do meditate on Lord Shriram while writing His name. During these 90 days, your mental consciousness will also start increasing and you will experience spiritual happiness.