The Supreme Court has intervened in the ongoing case involving Kannada film actor Darshan Thugudipa and five others, who were granted bail by the Karnataka High Court in connection with the murder of 33-year-old auto driver Renukaswamy. On January 24, 2025, the court issued a notice to Darshan, his associate Pavitra Gowda, and the other accused, seeking their response within four weeks. This petition was filed by the Karnataka government, challenging the High Court’s decision to grant bail to the individuals involved in the high-profile case.
The incident dates back to June 2024, when Renukaswamy’s lifeless body was discovered on a flyover in Bengaluru. Renuka, a fan of Darshan, had reportedly been harassing the actor’s female friend, Pavitra Gowda. According to police reports, this led to Darshan’s anger, and he allegedly orchestrated Renuka’s murder. Renuka was abducted on the orders of Dinesh, and later killed by a group of accused individuals.
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However, Renuka’s wife has vehemently denied these allegations, claiming that if her husband had harassed anyone, he should have been warned, not killed. Despite her statement, the police continued their investigation, which ultimately led to the revelation of the conspiracy behind the murder.
Accused And Financial Motive Behind The Crime
Further investigation uncovered that the murder was carried out for a payment of Rs 30 lakh, with the perpetrators receiving an advance of Rs 5 lakh. The police have since filed a comprehensive charge sheet, comprising over 4,000 pages, which includes more than 40 pieces of evidence, including testimonies from over 30 witnesses. Additionally, the charge sheet contains crucial forensic and technical investigation documents. A supplementary charge sheet of 1,300 pages was also submitted, reinforcing the case against the accused.
The case continues to unfold, with the Supreme Court’s notice marking the next step in the legal process surrounding the murder of Renukaswamy and the involvement of prominent figures in the Kannada film industry.
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