Bharat Express

Delhi High Court Grants Bail To Police Sub-Inspector In Corruption Case

Delhi High Court has granted bail to Delhi Police sub-inspector Yudhveer Singh, emphasizing that denying bail when it is warranted amounts to punishment.

Delhi High Court Grants Bail To Police Sub-Inspector

The Delhi High Court has granted bail to Delhi Police sub-inspector Yudhveer Singh, emphasizing that denying bail when it is warranted amounts to punishment. Justice Chandra Dhari Singh ordered Singh’s release, following his arrest by the CBI for allegedly accepting a bribe of ₹2.5 lakh.

Judicial Discretion and Public Trust

In his ruling, Justice Singh highlighted the importance of maintaining public confidence in government officials, particularly in cases involving bribery allegations. He noted that courts must balance the broader interests of the state when considering bail applications under Section 483 of the Indian Civil Defense Code. “A sensitive approach is essential in these cases, as public trust in officials is at stake,” he stated.

Principle of Bail as a Rule

Justice Singh reiterated that the decision to grant or deny bail lies within the judicial discretion of the courts, which must assess the specific facts and circumstances of each case. He stressed that the principle should be that bail is the norm and incarceration is the exception.

He acknowledged that while the charges against Singh are serious and carry a maximum sentence of seven years, the investigation into the matter has been completed. “Bail should not be used as a form of punishment,” he concluded, reinforcing the established legal principle that bail should not be denied without just cause.

With this decision, the court aims to ensure that justice is administered fairly while also protecting the integrity of the public service.