Ladla Bhai Yojana: Maharashtra’s Chief Minister Ekanath Shinde introduced the ‘Ladla Bhai Yojana’ to extend benefits to the state’s youth. This initiative followed the positive response to Maharashtra’s ‘Majhi Ladlik Bahin Yojana’ or ‘My Beloved Sister Scheme.’
The ‘Majhi Ladlik Bahin Yojana’ was launched after the Madhya Pradesh government’s successful ‘Ladli Behan Yojana,’ which began in 2023 and provides women in the state with ₹1500 per month. Let’s explore more about these schemes.
Beneficiaries will receive ₹10,000 per month
This scheme, unlike any other in India so far, will directly provide economic benefits to the state’s youth. Under this scheme, students who pass the 12th standard will receive ₹6,000 per month from the government. Those pursuing diplomas will receive ₹8,000 per month. Furthermore, graduates will receive ₹10,000 per month as financial assistance from the government.
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What is the application process?
Details regarding when Maharashtra’s youth will start benefiting from the Ladla Bhai Yojana have not been disclosed yet. Moreover, no information related to this scheme has been provided on any website or portal. However, it is expected that the government will soon release all guidelines related to the scheme, enabling youth to benefit from it at the earliest.
When did the Ladli Behan Yojana start?
The Maharashtra government recently launched the Ladli Behan Yojana for women this month. This scheme was introduced following the example of Madhya Pradesh’s Ladli Behan Yojana. Apart from this scheme, the Maharashtra government has also announced the initiation of the Ladla Bhai Yojana. According to experts, these schemes have been launched keeping in view the upcoming legislative assembly elections.
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