Bharat Express

Vladimir Putin: Russia Prefers More Predictable Biden Over Donald Trump

The Biden administration has aided Ukraine in its two-year conflict with Russia, while Trump has expressed admiration for Putin


On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin praised his US counterpart Joe Biden as more predictable than Donald Trump but stated that the Kremlin is willing to work with whoever wins the November election.

When asked by a journalist who Russia would prefer to see win the anticipated fight between the Democratic incumbent and Republican frontrunner Trump, Putin replied, “Biden, he’s more experienced. He’s predictable; he’s an old-school politician”.

Putin dismissed worries about Biden’s age and health, even though the president will turn 82 just weeks after the election.

“When I met Mr. Biden three years ago, it’s true, people were already talking about his inabilities, but I saw nothing of the sort”, Putin stated, clearly alluding to a Geneva summit.

According to recent polls in the United States, voters are deeply concerned about Biden’s age.

The age issue has been exacerbated by two recent incidents in which Biden confused European presidents with deceased predecessors.

Last week, the White House was obliged to vigorously defend the president’s competency after a special counsel report portrayed him as an elderly man with a poor memory.

Biden reacted strongly to the claim but then exacerbated the situation by mixing up the presidents of Egypt and Mexico.

Trump, 77, has also recently mispronounced people’s names, mixing his last Republican presidential nominee, Nikki Haley, with former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Putin, meanwhile, expressed significant hostility to Washington’s foreign policies under Biden.

“What we have to examine is the political position, and that of the current administration is extremely harmful and wrong”, stated Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Biden administration has led Western efforts to assist Ukraine in its two-year battle with Russia.

Despite his strong critiques of Putin, Trump has previously expressed love for the Kremlin leader.

The Republican has received harsh criticism for recently indicating that he would encourage Russia to attack any NATO country that he believed had not contributed enough to maintain the organization.

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