Bharat Express

US Responds to PM Modi’s Statement on “Eliminating Terrorists in Their Dens”

US State Department Spokesperson, Matthew Miller, Declines to Preview Sanction Actions, Stating “US Does Not Discuss Sanctions Publicly”

US State Department spokesperson, Matthew Miller, emphasized the importance of India and Pakistan avoiding escalation and resolving differences through dialogue. This stance comes amidst concerns over recent remarks by Indian leaders regarding counterterrorism measures.

Neutrality in Dispute:

Miller reiterated the US’s stance of not intervening directly in the ongoing tensions between India and Pakistan. Instead, the focus remains on encouraging both nations to seek peaceful solutions to their disputes.

Silence on Sanctions:

In response to inquiries about potential sanctions, Miller maintained the US’s policy of not discussing such actions openly, declining to comment on any specific cases or individuals.

Concerns Over Alleged Plot:

The US Justice Department’s indictment of Nikhil Gupta for the alleged assassination plot of Indian-designated terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun raised questions about US actions or sanctions against India. However, Miller refrained from discussing potential sanctions openly.

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Indian Government’s Response:

India formed a committee to investigate the alleged assassination plot, emphasizing its commitment to combating cross-border terrorism. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated India’s strong stance against terrorism, highlighting recent legislative and security measures undertaken by his government.

India’s Resolve Against Terrorism:

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh reaffirmed India’s determination to combat terrorism, asserting that Pakistan must take decisive action to curb cross-border terrorism. While emphasizing India’s willingness to assist Pakistan in this endeavor, Singh underscored that the onus lies on Islamabad to address the issue effectively.

Action Against Terrorism:

Singh emphasized India’s commitment to preventing terrorists from operating within its borders and suggested that India would take necessary actions to safeguard its security interests, including potential measures across the border if required.

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As tensions persist between India and Pakistan, the US’s stance remains one of diplomacy and urging for peaceful resolution through dialogue. While India reiterates its commitment to combating terrorism, the onus is on Pakistan to demonstrate clear intentions and take decisive action against cross-border terrorism.