Bharat Express

UK Launches World’s First Saliva Pregnancy Test

Salignostics introduced the product after conducting clinical trials on over 300 pregnant and non-pregnant women in Israel


In the United Kingdom, a groundbreaking tool that can detect pregnancy in women using only their saliva has been launched in the market.

Salistick is the world’s first product that can detect pregnancy with merely a ‘spit test’. It will be offered in the UK and Ireland as an alternative to traditional urine-based pregnancy tests.

Salignostics, a Jerusalem-based start-up, created the test kit.

According to the company, it is based on the technology used to create Covid testing kits.

The innovative solution allows for testing to take place anywhere, at any time, and allows for more people to participate in the testing process.

To do the test, the woman must place a foam-tipped stick from the kit in her mouth for a few seconds, similar to a thermometer. This collects a saliva sample. She will then transfer it to a plastic tube, where it will undergo a biological chemical reaction.

The test is based on technology that detects hCG, a pregnancy hormone that helps prepare the uterus for embryo development.

Salistick’s maker claim that it detects early pregnancy with high accuracy.

According to the company, results can be reviewed in five to fifteen minutes, with early signs appearing as early as three minutes.

Last year, Salignostics got certification for Salistick to be marketed in the European Union.

It has also applied for FDA approval to commercialize the product in the United States.

Salignostics introduced the product after conducting clinical trials on over 300 pregnant and non-pregnant women in Israel.

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