Bharat Express

Resistance Forces In Myanmar Propose Conditions For Eventual Transfer of Power from Military

When the military seized control of the nation and used lethal force to put down widespread peaceful protests, it unleashed a political crisis in Myanmar that the army has not been able to contain.

Leading ethnic armed groups in Myanmar and their allies who are opposing the military government unveiled a political roadmap on Wednesday that aims to end military rule and facilitate a peaceful handover of power. They also stated that they were willing to have peace negotiations with the army provided it agreed to their demands.

The joint statement was made public one day before the army’s takeover of power from Aung San Suu Kyi’s elected government, and on the same day, the government declared a six-month extension of the state of emergency. The military is authorized to take over all governmental duties under the emergency decree.

The joint statement, shared on social media, was the most explicit yet regarding the objectives of the resistance movement if it wins the civil war.

When the military seized control of the nation and used lethal force to put down widespread peaceful protests, it unleashed a political crisis in Myanmar that the army has not been able to contain. This has led to armed resistance across the nation.

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The National Unity Government, or NUG, was founded by elected politicians who were denied the opportunity to assume office, and this is their most recent statement. It represents itself as the official government of Myanmar. The Chin National Front, the Karenni National Progressive Party, and the Karen National Union are the other signatories; they are all engaged in direct conflict with the military regime.

The goals of the joint statement include ending military participation in politics, putting all armed forces under civilian government control, drafting a new constitution that upholds democratic principles and federalism, creating a new federal democratic union, and putting in place a transitional justice system.

Ethnic minority groups who wish to have more autonomy in areas where they are dominant have long aimed to create a federal union.

The statement asks for communication with the military establishment, but only after it demonstrates that it fully supports its proposal for the end of military rule and a peaceful handover of power.

According to Tin Tun Naing, the NUG’s minister for planning, finance, and investment, the document is intended more as a guarantee for outside parties regarding the resistance’s goals than as a proposal to start negotiations. This was disclosed to The Associated Press.

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A recent offensive by a distinct coalition of ethnic armed groups going by the name Three Brotherhood Alliance took control of key areas in northeastern Myanmar, revealing army vulnerabilities and inciting resistance actions in other regions of the nation.

The military government has admitted that instability is impeding its ability to control vast areas of territory, even before its most recent defeats on the battlefield.