Bharat Express

Pakistanis Outnumber Indians In Greece; Know Why?

Indians have always prove to be a better choice than Pakistanis then why is Greece coming out as an exception?

Indians in Greece

Pakistan and Greece

Indians have managed to make a strong  foothold in various parts of the globe. From Scandinavian countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark to world’s best economy like the United States. Indians have always prove to be a better choice than Pakistanis then why is Greece coming out as an exception? The European country is home to about 4,00,000 to 5,00,000 Pakistanis in today’s time. Well reason for this, dates back to 1970’s

Why are Indians in Greece less than Pakistanis there

In the year 1970s, Greece and Pakistan signed a bilateral agreement that allowed the citizens of Pakistan to enter Greece and get temporary employment over there.  Pakistani citizens used to work in their shipyards back then. In a very short span of time, another agreement was signed between the two countries that eased out the migration of Pakistanis to Greece. This time they were to enter the textile industry of Greece?

According to the authorities, the legal Pakistani population residing in the European nation is around 50,000. On the contrary, illegal migrants in the nation account for about 4,00,000 to 5,00,000 people which comes together as 5 percent of the total public of Greece.

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Illegal migration killing hundreds

According to the UN’s worldwide body for migration, about 3,800 people lost their lives last year on migratory routes to and from the Middle East and north Africa, which is a record high since 2017. In one such event recently, about 300 Pakistanis are believed to have died in a boat accident off the Greek coast. This figure is provided by the Pakistani media, however according to sources, 150 people died in the tragic incident. The boat was loaded with people who were migrating to Greece illegally. The boat actually had about 400 to 750 people on it when it sank. The Greek authorities said 104 survivors had been brought ashore so far.