Bharat Express

Pakistan Demands Thorough Probe into Killing of 9 Laborers in Iran

Pakistan’s Foreign Office (FO) swiftly responded, condemning the “horrifying and despicable” act and demanding an immediate and thorough investigation.

In the aftermath of a brutal attack in Iran that claimed the lives of nine Pakistani nationals, Pakistan has called for a comprehensive investigation into the incident. The attack occurred in the Sistan-Baluchestan province near the border with Pakistan, escalating tensions that had arisen from recent cross-border fire exchanges between the two nations.

Unidentified assailants opened indiscriminate fire on Pakistani workers, resulting in the death of nine individuals and injuring three others in the Sirkan neighborhood of Saravan city, as reported by Iran’s Mehr news agency. No group or individual has claimed responsibility for the attack.

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Pakistan’s Foreign Office (FO) swiftly responded, condemning the “horrifying and despicable” act and demanding an immediate and thorough investigation. FO spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch stated that the Pakistani consul in Zahedan was en route to the hospital to assist the injured, emphasizing the need for accountability for those responsible for the heinous crime.

Following the incident, the relatives of the victims staged protests in Alipur, urging the Pakistani government to ensure the repatriation of the bodies to Muzaffargarh. Baloch assured ongoing efforts to facilitate the prompt return of the remains of the victims.

Pakistan’s ambassador to Iran, Muddasir Tipu, expressed shock over the killings and pledged full support to the bereaved families. He called upon Iran for complete cooperation in the matter.

The attack occurred just a day before the scheduled visit of the Iranian foreign minister to Islamabad, where discussions on border security and the challenge of militant sanctuaries were anticipated. The incident, coupled with recent tit-for-tat strikes between Iran and Pakistan, is likely to heighten tensions between the two nations.

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Earlier, on January 18, Pakistan conducted “precision military strikes” against alleged terrorist hideouts in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchistan province, resulting in nine casualties. This was perceived as a response to Iranian missile and drone attacks on bases of the Sunni Baloch militant group Jaish al-Adl in Pakistan’s Balochistan province. The situation escalated with diplomatic actions, including the recall of ambassadors and the blocking of envoy returns.

Despite the recent tensions, both countries announced their decision to de-escalate and resume diplomatic missions, with ambassadors returning to their posts. The latest attack occurred in the same region where Pakistan had conducted retaliatory strikes against Baloch insurgent sanctuaries, further complicating the delicate situation.