Bharat Express

Over 100 Cars Collided On Icy China Motorway, Causing Multiple Injuries

Cars collided in Suzhou, China, causing injuries and disruptions in major cities due to cold weather events, including blizzards and icy rain


On Friday, more than 100 cars collided on an icy stretch of a motorway in the Chinese city of Suzhou, injuring several people in the latest disaster caused by inclement weather.

Spectacular imagery from social media showed multiple cars clumped together haphazardly on the roadway, with one jackknifed at an acute angle in the air. Glass and debris could be found spread about.

Cold waves, blizzards, and icy rain have slammed significant regions of China in recent weeks, disrupting transit as millions of people return home for the Lunar New Year vacation.

This week, the government increased its emergency response for cold weather and began multiple response plans for transportation flow, supplies, and electricity in provinces and cities including Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Anhui, and Hubei.

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