Bharat Express

Joe Biden To Host Pacific Island Leaders As Part Of United States’ Charm Offensive Against China

Biden hosted the islanders at the White House for the first time

Pacific Island

Joe Biden

President Joe Biden will attend a second summit with Pacific island leaders this week as part of a US charm effort to prevent additional Chinese incursions into a key region that Washington has long considered its own backyard.

During the three-day meeting, the United States will announce diplomatic recognition for two Pacific islands, provide fresh funding for infrastructure, including undersea cables to increase Internet connectivity and recognize regional leaders during an NFL game.

Biden hosted the islanders at the White House for the first time a year ago and was scheduled to visit them again in Papua New Guinea in May. That idea was canceled when the United States’ debt-ceiling issue caused Biden to cancel an Asia trip.

At a summit with 14 Pacific island nations last year, Biden’s administration committed to assisting islanders in resisting China’s economic coercion, and a joint declaration resolved to strengthen their collaboration, stating they shared a vision for a region where democracy will be able to flourish.

The White House stated that this year’s effort would prioritize climate change, economic growth, sustainable development, public health, and illicit fishing.

During the summit, the United States will also recognize the Cook Islands and another minor nation, Niue, for the first time.

An official added that the leaders will view a Coast Guard cutter in the harbor on Sunday and be briefed on countering illegal fishing by the Commandant of the Coast Guard.

The leaders will also attend the NFL game between the Baltimore Ravens and the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday. Several NFL players are of Pacific Islander descent.

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