Bharat Express

Israeli Military: Evidence that hostages were housed in a Gaza hospital found

The United Nations has urged for an end to attacks on Gaza’s healthcare facilities

Israeli Military

On Monday, the Israeli military released video and images showing what it claimed were weapons stored by Hamas in the basement of a children’s hospital in Gaza, where it also claimed hostages were held.

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, an Israeli military spokeswoman, said troops discovered a command centre with an arsenal of weaponry including grenades, suicide vests, and other explosives stored by Hamas fighters in the basement of Rantissi facility, a pediatric facility that specializes in cancer treatment.

“We also discovered signs that Hamas was holding hostages here”, he continued.

“We are currently investigating this. But we also have intelligence to back it up”, he added.

He displayed a video showing what seemed to be primitive living quarters, including a small kitchen, as well as a nearby tunnel shaft that he claimed led to the home of a senior Hamas naval commander.

“Hamas took all this area under its control and conducted its war against Israelis from this hospital”, he went on to say.

In addition, troops discovered a motorcycle with gunshot marks, which he claimed was used to transport hostages to Gaza following the October 7 surprise attack in which Hamas gunmen stormed into southern Israel, killing approximately 1,200 people and seizing approximately 240 captives, according to Israeli authorities.

In reply, Israel has begun a heavy bombardment of the Gaza Strip, followed by a ground operation in which forces have advanced deep into the territory. According to Palestinian health officials, over 11,000 people have been killed in Gaza.

On Monday, Israeli tanks were stationed outside the gates of Al Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s biggest hospital, where hundreds of patients awaited evacuation.

As the assault has progressed, Israel has accused Hamas of concealing command and weapon positions in hospitals and other civilian facilities, as well as employing people and hospital patients as human shields.

Hamas and hospital officials in Gaza have both denied that health facilities were exploited in this manner. The new Israeli statements elicited no instant response from Hamas.

The United Nations has urged for an end to attacks on Gaza’s healthcare facilities. Israel says it is allowing patients and people to be evacuated.

Also read: Ready to release seventy hostages in exchange for a five-day truce, says Hamas