Bharat Express

How Far Will Ukraine Go, Russia?

Mr Putin probably has no clue, for Ukraine, how much unexpected success is there for the country and yet, how far has it to go?

Mr Putin probably has no clue, for Ukraine, how much unexpected success is there for the country and yet, how far has it to go?

Along side most of the six hundred-mile front line, Ukraine seems to be  on the offensive whereas the Russians look in a defensive crouch. However, around twenty percent of geographical Ukrainian territory is ye to be occupied by Russia.

Undoubtedly, a big bravo for the forces of Ukraine! In fields, in forests, in also in fierce urban combat, the Ukrainian military has been facing all odds defying them all. It also defied all expectations forcing Russia into multiple retreats for more than 9 bloody, brutal months of war.

Still, in spite of its success, without being discouraged about the fact that  tens of thousands of soldiers are already killed on each side, by one measure Ukraine is only halfway done. The Ukrainian army has now reclaimed around fifty five percent of the Russian occupied territory after being invaded in the second month of this year.

Ukraine unexpectedly is on the offensive around most of its six hundred miles frontline. On the other hand Russia is in a defensive crouch in the northeast and south and this is when it still is attacking towards one Ukrainian city on the eastern side, Bakhmut.

Ukraine’s success is indirect while falling still walking, they did not give up while being defeated. This success brings the war to a pivotal juncture what we see today.

In fact it is on the offensive, and this can shape the next phase of the battle, decisive enough to decide whether to push its advantage far ahead than this into Russian-occupied territory, or rather settle in for awaiting real winter – this is what military analysts say that Russia would like to do this.

If Russia goes for it, Ukraine will face significant hurdles and will then have to decide -die a fighter or lie surrender !













