Bharat Express

Bangladesh Calls For ‘Doppa Day,’ Holds Protests Against Persecution Of Uyghur Muslims By China

Islamic Movement Bangladesh organised a protest and meeting at Abdus Salam Hall of the National Press Club in Dhaka, to protest China’s barbaric actions targeting Uyghur Muslims


Bangladeshis protest against the persecution of Uyghur Muslims by China

Bangladesh on Friday commemorated Doppa Day and held protests and demonstrated against the persecution of Uyghur Muslims by the Chinese government.

Khilafat Andolan Bangladesh (KAB) and Islamic Movement Bangladesh separately organised protest demonstrations and human chains to mark the historic Doppa Day.

Islamic Movement Bangladesh organised a protest and meeting at Abdus Salam Hall of the National Press Club in Dhaka, to protest China’s barbaric actions targeting Uyghur Muslims.

Chairman of Islamic Progressive Janata Front, Maulana Ataur Rahman Atiki, chairman of Nezame Islam Bangladesh, Maulana Harisul Haque, Chairman of Muslim Janata Party, Maulana Azizur Rahman, Naib-e-Amir of Bangladesh Khilafat Movement, Maulana Abul Kashem Kasemi, and Secretary General of Islamic Movement Bangladesh also spoke during the protest demonstrations.

Protestors highlighted the importance of Doppa Day and briefed the gathering that Doppa is a symbol of the struggle for the head cap of the Uyghur residents of East Turkestan, a Muslim country occupied by China. They also condemned China for torturing the Uyghur Muslims.

Protestors demanded to allow the visit of representatives of UN Human Rights organisations to Xinjiang and other places where Ughyurs are being tortured and criticised China for repeatedly rejecting these demands.

Protestors condemned China for illegally expanding its influence in various countries like Sri Lanka and Pakistan and attributed the current situation in these countries to the self-centred approach of China.

Moreover, they claimed that China has set up illegal police stations in various cities around the world to intimidate citizens of different ideologies.

Speaking at the event, Maulana Abu Zafar Qasemi said that China is repeatedly committing heinous acts of human rights violations, but the whole world is silent about it. International organizations are unable to take any action against China and questioned whether it is because China is torturing Muslims. Bangladesh Khilafat Movement held a human chain program in front of Dhaka’s National Press Club. The demonstrations were led by BKA Metropolitan Amir, Maulana Mohammad Hossain Akhanji, the Central Amir BKA, Maulana Abu Zafar Qasemi, Central leaders, Md Khaled Hussain, Alhaj Maulana Ibrahim Bin Ali, Alhaj Ali Maqsood (Mamun) Khan, Maulana Mufti Kaman Uddin Ashraf.

The speakers strongly condemned China’s imperialism, colonialism, and policy to arm-twist nations using its economic might. Speakers strongly condemned China’s unspeakable persecution of Uyghur Muslims in East Turkestan’s (Xinjiang) province.

Speakers said no matter how strong China is, the people of Bangladesh will not accept any injustice. Speakers demanded that international organizations must ensure that the freedom of Uyghur Muslims is immediately restored. KAB also issued a written memorandum highlighting its demands and the current situation in Xinjiang and distributed it to the people attending the event.

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(Source ANI)