Bharat Express

Amid Houthi Attacks, United Nations Warns Of A Dangerous Escalatory Cycle In Yemen

The Huthis’ attacks have caused some shipping corporations to detour across southern Africa to avoid the Red Sea

Hans Grundberg

The UN’s special envoy for Yemen urged prompt action Wednesday to prevent the dangerous escalatory cycle in the war-torn country, citing recent Houthi rebel attacks in the Red Sea.

Violent provocations by the rebels, who claim to be showing solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza by assaulting vessels, have resulted in subsequent US and British air assaults.

“I am engaging the Yemeni parties and relevant regional actors to support de-escalation in the Red Sea to protect the mediation space in Yemen”, Hans Grundberg informed the Security Council.

“Three things need to happen in the immediate term to create an off-ramp to this dangerous escalatory cycle”, Grundberg continued.

He appealed for regional de-escalation, for all sides to avoid military opportunism, and for progress towards a mediated deal to be maintained.

The Iran-backed Huthis have been fighting a Saudi-led coalition since 2015, months after seizing the capital Sanaa and the majority of Yemen’s population centres, forcing the internationally recognized government to flee to Aden.

In December, tedious negotiations were gaining traction, and the United Nations announced that the warring parties had agreed to work towards the resumption of an inclusive political process.

Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, combined with Western response, have thrown the peace effort into disarray.

“Nonetheless, in my latest exchanges, I have received assurances that all parties prefer the path to peace”, Grundberg added.

According to the UN’s humanitarian organization OCHA, hundreds of thousands of people have died as a result of the conflict, as well as indirect causes like sickness and starvation. More than 18 million Yemenis require urgent assistance.

The Houthis’ attacks have caused some shipping corporations to detour across southern Africa to avoid the Red Sea, a critical waterway that regularly transports around 12% of global maritime trade.

Grundberg went on to say, “Yemen is not a footnote in a larger regional story”.

“The regional escalation does not negate the urgent need in Yemen for a nationwide ceasefire”, Grundberg noted.

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