A harrowing incident unfolds as a wild elephant pursues two men and charges at a vehicle in the Bandipur forest along the Karnataka-Kerala border. The alarming video, shared by Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Parveen Kaswan, highlights the irresponsible behavior of tourists who ventured too close to the wild animal. Officials caution the public to remain inside their vehicles when in proximity to wildlife.
The footage captures the intense moment when the elephant aggressively approaches two men on a forest road, prompting them to flee for their lives. In the pursuit, one of the men stumbles and falls, facing the imminent threat of the elephant’s charge. Miraculously, the elephant abruptly halts and retreats, sparing both individuals from harm. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for responsible wildlife interaction and adherence to safety guidelines in forest areas.
”This person was just lucky. But never take this risk when in the wildlife area. Don’t come out of the vehicle or go close to wild animals. It is said from Kerala,” the caption read.
In response to the footage, one user reflected, ”Just last week, we traversed this road. All the elephants were calm. What triggered the aggression in this particular elephant?”
Another commenter emphasized, ”Attempting to encroach into their habitat leads to such incidents! Respect wildlife and let them live undisturbed.”
Expressing a stern stance, a fifth commenter advocated for legal action, stating, ”These two should be arrested and imprisoned for a year. They need to understand they haven’t escaped danger yet.”
Highlighting the broader issue, the Wildlife Trust of India notes that habitat degradation and increased encroachment contribute to heightened human-elephant conflicts, leading to over 400 human fatalities in elephant encounters annually.
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