Bharat Express


Blue Dart's Managing Director, Balfour Manuel, expressed excitement about this transformation as they aim to serve every corner of the country.

For those candidates who have been waiting for SBI clerk notification should keep a track of the official website. Details inside...

The painting, which is from 1884, was taken from Amsterdam's Museum Singer Laren. When the robbery occurred,...

This stunning picture was captured by MESSENGER, the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury.

Around 2:30 a.m., the roommate of the X user placed a Subway order and received an odd text from the delivery person. In addition to her order, he asked the customer whether she needed anything else.

The North and South Towers were built in the 1960s with innovative steel and concrete designs that influenced many skyscrapers after their construction....

According to a blog post by Guinness World Records, Swope had to watch every movie in order to set the record without interrupting himself with phone calls, sleep, meals, or beverages.

In the event that a driver becomes distracted for a short while, the gadget, known as the Railway Driver Assistance System (RDAS), will not only sound an alert but also deploy emergency brakes...

On August 12, the footage was shared online. It has received more than 1.2 million views since being shared.

Disney officials have stated that they think Bob Iger's strategy is to continue as CEO for as long as possible before ultimately selling the business to Apple....