Bharat Express


One video captures a man driving with his car doors wide open, with another person hanging precariously from the opposite door.

People on the internet adored the cute video and showered the comments section with heart and love emojis

Numerous comments on the video have criticized the driver for putting other riders' lives in danger in addition to his own.

Since its posting on the microblogging site, the 23-second clip has garnered significant attention, amassing 1.5 million views and over 10,000 likes.

Just one day after the IFS Officer shared the post, it has received over 4,000 likes and over 147,000 views.

There are multiple videos of Mr. Kudalkar interacting with his pet cat. This is just one of them.

After two separate plane crashes, the couple managed to escape with minor injuries. They were travelling to Turin, Italy to meet their friends for lunch.

Swift is shown in a mid-action pose in the picture, which has become a meme goldmine for producers.

The immersive atmosphere, coupled with an array of global dishes on the menu, has captured the attention of food enthusiasts.

One of the best features of this earphone is Bluetooth Multipoint, which allows the wearer to simultaneously stream music from two different sources.