Many people are praising and loving Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s most recent film, “12th Fail,” which stars Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankr. Some have even dubbed it the greatest movie of 2023. Interestingly, Manoj Kumar Sharma, an IPS officer, and his wife Shraddha Joshi, an IRS officer, are the inspirations for the film. The suspenseful and nerve-wracking moment just before a candidate enters the UPSC building for the final interview is captured in a three-minute clip from the movie that Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Parveen Kaswan recently shared.
Mr. Kaswan felt sentimental after seeing the scene and thought back to his own three interview experiences. Critics praised the scene as well, praising how “such a real depiction of what happens in the UPSC building during the interview.”
What a warm, fuzzy feeling. And such an accurate portrayal of the interview that takes place in the UPSC building. “Have been there three times in this same manner,” he wrote alongside the video. Manoj Sharma, played by Vikrant Massey, is seen in the scene entering the UPSC building to go to his interview.
The officer added in another tweet that there is a queue of applicants at the door and that they must wait outside the board room for a short while before the interview board calls them in.
In response to his tweet, a user commented, “And the interview happens in a similar setting, with a round table arrangement.” Someone else commented, “The Longest Wait! You can still clearly recall your heart pounding. Amazingly, your anxiety disappears as soon as you step onto the interview board.
A third stated, “Up until you walk onto the interview board, there is a significant amount of mental strain and restlessness.” Particularly when you wait for your turn outside the room by yourself. There’s only one peon there, and she gives occasional comfort.
Based on true events, the movie takes inspiration from the real-life hardships faced by millions of students attempting to pass the UPSC entrance exam. On October 27, the movie debuted in theaters, and on December 29, Disney+ Hotstar hosted its digital premiere. Additionally, it has been submitted as an independent nomination for the 2024 Oscars.
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Anant V Joshi, Anshumaan Pushkar, Sanjay Bishnoi, and Priyanshu Chatterjee are also featured in “12th Fail.”
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