Diwali Travel May Be Challenging As Trains Are Already Fully Booked
This year, it might be challenging to travel by trains during Diwali. If you are thinking of booking train tickets to visit your distant relatives’ homes, be aware that most trains are already fully booked, and waiting lists for many trains have crossed 200 passengers. It is expected that this number may exceed 350 by Diwali, which falls on November 12 this year. Although there are still 56 days left until Diwali, trains from Delhi-NCR to other states are facing significant booking difficulties. According to railway data, the highest congestion is on the Mumbai route, and 11 major trains heading towards Prayagraj have no availability left, meaning there are no tickets available on these trains.
Several trains have waiting lists exceeding 200 passengers. Trains like Hawda Mail, Ganga Sutlej, Kolkata Express, and Shaheed Express are experiencing no room availability. Trains traveling to Mumbai, Delhi, Punjab, and Eastern Uttar Pradesh are showing waiting lists ranging from 80 to 120 passengers. A railway official mentioned that the waiting lists on some trains have already crossed 200, and this number may reach 300 by Diwali. They also mentioned that there is no room availability in trains heading to West Bengal and Bihar.
People are eagerly waiting for the commencement of special trains. Trains like Golden Temple, Begampura, Sarayu Yamuna, and Sadbhavna Express, which run from Punjab, have long waiting lists across all seat categories. This Diwali, it might not be easy to travel home. Many people are expected to rely on special trains, so they are eagerly awaiting their commencement.
Many trains have no room availability now. In Bihar, where the number of people traveling for Diwali and Chhath Puja is in the millions, excessive ticket bookings are causing significant difficulties. Traveling on trains may prove to be quite challenging. Trains like Saharanpur to Jammu-Hawda Mail, Firozpur-Dhanbad Ganga Sutlej Express, Amritsar-Jayanagar Shaheed Express, and Jammu-Kolkata Express have no sleeper coach seats available. It’s being reported that all these trains have no room availability.
Train Number 13006 Jammu-Hawda Mail
Date Sleeper Third AC
November 10 No room 45
November 11 No room No room
November 12 No room 28
Train Number 13308 Firozpur-Dhanbad Ganga Sutlej Express
Date Sleeper Third AC
November 10 No room 45
November 11 No room 29
November 12 64 10
Train Number 12904 Amritsar-Mumbai Central Golden Temple Express
Date Sleeper Third AC
November 11 85 25
November 12 58 18
Train Number 12238 Jammu-Varanasi Begampura Express
Date Sleeper Third AC
November 10 86 58
November 11 88 32
November 12 26 12
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