Bharat Express

ChatGPT: “This Is The Future…” It Can Now Interpret Images And…

By enabling voice communication and the ability to display images to ChatGPT, the new voice and image features in ChatGPT provide “a new, more intuitive type of interface.”



Users are now able to converse with and ask questions to the chatbot in OpenAI’s artificial intelligence-powered ChatGPT, thanks to the new vision capability. Now, ChatGPT can also decipher photographs, offer explanations, and resolve issues. Since the feature’s release, users have been making the most of it by creating codes, utilizing screenshots, and reading signs and diagrams.

By enabling voice communication and the ability to display images in ChatGPT, the new voice and image features in ChatGPT, according to OpenAI, provide “a new, more intuitive type of interface.”

Several users discussed using ChatGPT’s vision feature on X (previously Twitter).

One user described how the chatbot typed down the code for a SaaS (software as a service) dashboard after he gave the chatbot a screenshot of it. “This is the future,” he declared.

Another person took advantage of their vision capability to read complicated parking signs and stay out of trouble. The user questioned, “It’s Wednesday at 4 p.m., and I clicked a picture of many roadside signs.”Can I leave my car here now? Just one line, please.

Yes, you can park for up to an hour starting at 4 p.m., ChatGPT said.