Bharat Express


The Ukrainian president mentioned three subjects on which there could be found in Switzerland

Philippines and Japan leaders are set to visit Washington for the first trilateral summit to strengthen defence ties, improve command structures, coordinate coast guard operations, and address issues

French President Macron plans to host a summit in Paris to discuss cooperation in supporting Ukraine, despite concerns about US support

Countries are accountable for carrying out the accords through national policies and investments

"We had a good conversation on the potential of bilateral partnership", says PM Modi

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which places a strong emphasis on using both technology and Indian languages in education, inspired the union ministries....

North Korea would pay a price if it supplied Moscow with weaponry for the Ukraine conflict

The Summit will assess India-ASEAN relations and map the future course of cooperation

BRICS is also pushing for its development bank to compete with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

Ukraine's march to the shore was going well, despite Russian defence preparations and massive mining