Bharat Express


In order to bring "burning" issues to the government's attention, the Congress arranged a "mudslinging" campaign in many state districts.

Anti-government protests have ceased, but activists clamor for new elections, which are not planned until 2026

Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old activist from Sweden, gained international recognition for organizing school strikes and frequently participates in similar demonstrations

Several members of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) faced detainment. Additionally, many MLAs and councillors from the party were house arrested.

Early on a Tuesday morning, Mamkootathil was arrested by the police from his house in Pathanamthitta for allegedly leading a violent attack during a recent march

Ovsyannikova was found guilty of knowingly spreading false information about the Russian Armed Forces

Attendees of an unauthorized mahapanchayat in Tigra village, organized by Hindu groups, have issued a week’s ultimatum to the police.

A person in Bihar fell prey to police firing after a clash broke out in Bihar’s Kathihar during a protest against the electricity department.

The nation was shaken by Monday's voting on the first of several bills that make up Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial judiciary makeover.

Khan, in a tweet on Tuesday, questioned why no investigation of attacks on the military and state installations had been carried out yet.