Bharat Express


The West Bank has seen unparalleled violence since the start of the Israel-Hamas war

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Israeli officials have said the fighting will continue for many more months as the army seeks to dismantle Hamas and return scores of hostages taken during the militant group's October 7 attack that triggered the war.

The West Bank has been under Israeli military occupation since 1967

Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers and settlers

Israel says Hamas operates from hospitals and has provided footage to back up its claim

17 Palestinians were arrested on the same day the 39 were released

One victim was from Jenin, while the other two were from Arraba

The gap of distrust between Palestinians, Arabs and Israelis is so deep that it has not been bridged even after 75 years.

"We are working all the time and with the initiative on a range of efforts to return the hostages", says chief military spokesperson