Bharat Express


Rutte will face the challenge of sustaining allies' support for Ukraine's battle against Russia's incursion while preventing NATO from being dragged directly into a war with Moscow

Taiwan reported a substantial rise in Chinese military flights since Thursday, as Beijing conducted a joint combat readiness patrol near the island

The Indian government will introduce the Telecommunications Act 2023 on June 26, replacing an outdated regulatory framework, allowing the government to manage services for national security, research, and user protection

The South China Sea is a vital waterway, where Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei all have overlapping claims in some areas

The G7 summit takes place amid the backdrop of global and political turmoil, with increased support for Ukraine at the top of the agenda

Younger planets, like those discovered by Euclid, are hotter, making them easier to spot

In a ceremony in Taipei's presidential building, Lai and Vice President Hsia Bi-khim took their oaths on Monday in front of a portrait of Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China (ROC)

Israel's retaliatory attack has killed at least 35,034 individuals in Gaza Strip, mostly women and children

Authorities reported that it reached more than five kilometres above the volcano's peak, making it one of the most powerful eruptions in recent months

Congress had not approved large-scale aid for Kyiv in nearly a year and a half but finally acted after months of bitter discussion among lawmakers about how or if to assist Ukraine in defending itself